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EA edge, give your HR Function the employers advantage Edge


give your HR function the employers advantage              

 It is the mission of eaEdge to provide human centric HR services to mid-size companies in a way that educates and empowers employers so that they can focus on growing their business with high performing and engaged teams. 
You may know Employers Advantage  as a small business HR service provider for companies without an HR department, and we are still small business at our core.  Now, we want  to continue our mission in the small business community and provide support to the next level of companies with 50-300 employees and an HR department of one.  

eaEdge works best for workforces and companies that are either fully remote or hybrid and either have at least one internal HR person or are in the process of bringing in their first HR person.

Whether it’s a project or two that seems to keep getting pushed down the to-do list  or if you’re looking for a thought partner to bounce ideas off of and have HR back up support for those issues that are best talked through and explored we are here.

eaEdge services are specifically designed for companies with 50 or more employees: 

Fractional Chief of Staff

It can be tough to get to the list of projects and keep up with the day to day.  That’s where we come in.  Whether a small project, or a larger project or company initiative, we can bring the focus to drive those projects to completion while maintaining the current team’s day to day duties and avoiding employee burnout.  Just a few of the areas that we can cover are Employee Handbook Development, Training, Compensation Analysis, HR Technology Project Management and Implementation, Performance Management Program Build Out, Career Mapping, Culture Building and Strategic Employee Relations Support.  Recruiting process and candidate experience projects available as outlined in the Target Recruiting services section.

Maybe the HR function needs to be developed and structured, we can do that too!  With the HR Function Development and Implementation project, we start with an assessment of what’s available, understand the company goals and strategic plans so that we can align the HR function.  From there, we create a project plan and execute the identified projects.  

hr projects

HR function assessment 

Let’s get the HR function compliant and running at top efficiency to best support the workforce and protect the company.  An HR function assessment takes a deep dive into the various aspects of the HR function to ensure federal and state employment compliance, identify opportunities for best practices and give the company a roadmap to a HR function that aligns with the organization’s goals and culture.

An HR function assessment is a great option for companies that are looking to bring in their first HR person.  With the assessment, we can identify the areas of need and develop a candidate profile that would be a great match for the role.

hr functon assessment

HR thought partner

you are not alone.

HR department of one?  We got your back!

We know how it is to be a HR department of one and have those times when it would be great to talk to someone that understands and be a sounding board.  With the HR thought partner service, a dedicated HR Business Partner works one on one with internal HR as a go-to thought partner to discuss HR trends, issues, concerns and best practices.

HR leave coverage/gap fill

Everyone should take leave when needed. We understand that when employees go on leave or unexpected gaps arise, it can put a strain on your business. Rest assured, we've got you covered. Whether it's a planned leave, parental leave, sabbaticals, or unforeseen absences, we have you covered. Leveraging our extensive network of highly skilled professionals, we can step in and maintain your human resource function. 

hr thought parter
hr leave coveage gap fill

targeted recruiting &

candidate selection

Candidate and company matching

Looking to bring in the first HR person to the company?  Need some additional support in recruiting and talent acquisition?  At eaEdge, we recruit differently. We don’t stockpile candidates for each job function. Instead, we provide Targeted Recruiting and Candidate Selection.  That means we get to know your organization, the expectation for the specific position, and then recruit for the right match. 

We aren’t a recruiting agency, so we don’t charge agency fees and we don’t sell you candidates from a database.  In addition to full cycle recruiting for most any role, we can help get a leg up on how to attract and hire the best talent in this competitive market through:

  • Recruiting process review and recommendations

  • Development of “Recruitment Branding” including online presence and employee reviews

  •  Job Posting review, writing, and optimization

  • Indeed Optimization

  • Diversity Recruitment

  • Candidate Experience Management - through the first 90 days, including seamless onboarding and check ins

  • Interview Training and Coaching (more like role playing--not just informational/regulation based)

  • Competency based Job Descriptions and accompanying interview guides

  • Interview Guide creation specific to position

targeted recruitng and candidate selecton
speak up now hotline

speak up now hotline

Invest in your team.

Give employees a voice and a place to go should they experience a situation in the workplace that may leave them feeling unsure as to where to go. The Speak Up Now Hotline is a confidential third-party HOTLINE available to employees giving them the ability to provide confidential feedback, suggestions for improvement, appreciation for an employee or process, feedback on experiences and policies in the workplace or concerns of potential situations of workplace wrongdoing, such as harassment or discrimination.

Learn more here >

Whether you are a multi-state employer with more complex HR compliance or all of your employees are in one state, we have your HR policies and procedures covered.

how can we help?

We  handle most human resources functions. Everything from everyday HR tasks to extremely sticky situations.

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© Copyright 2024 - Employers Advantage LLC HR Outsourcing. Employers Advantage is an HR Company, that provides Managed HR Services, Human Resources Management, HR Consultancy Services, HR Consultants and HRM only and does not intend to provide legal advice. |  Proudly created by Hibiscus

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