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government contractor

case study

Employers Advantage was contacted by a Government Contactor initially seeking assistance with a compensation analysis. The Company was in growth mode. After the compensation analysis was complete and findings/ recommendations were provided, the organization requested additional full-service Human Resource support. The full-service arrangement included ongoing assistance with employee management, performance management, and overall compliances.


main goals: Support, primarily behind the scenes, overall HR functions. This included assisting, training and coaching the Company’s Operations Manager, who served as the primarily in-house Human Resource representative, but who was new to the HR space.

The Operations Manager had little Human Resource experience and most of that was generic research and google search based. The Operations Manager was lacking hands on, real world experience. In addition, this individual was only able to dedicate a certain amount of time to HR issues because the Operations Manager was also in charge of numerous unrelated tasks and was often functioning at capacity. 


key challenges: Handle employee situations that included several complicated, unpredictable variables. For example, leave policies, garnishments, disability allowances, terminations, harassment claims, etc. Implement policies, procedures and trainings and regularly updating to ensure ongoing legal compliance. 

Along with establishing some foundation HR components such as an Employee Handbook, Performance Management Program and HR Administration Process, we partnered with the Operations Manager and provided coaching and support to them through several very complicated employee issues. Through those coaching conversations, we discussed the how, why, when, and what ifs to ensure we discussed all possible angles, assessed any legal ramifications and got the documentation organized. The end result was an Operations Manager who is now empowered and better informed when tackling issues that may arise.  Ultimately, we provided the HR tools and resources that they needed to be comfortable and confident in their role while also knowing that we are here for ongoing support.


Bridging the gap between HR policy & practical application.



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