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Resilient Leadership Insights

Resilient Leadership Insights

Here are just some of the Resilient Leadership Insights questions Jed Morley of Valiant CEO, Author Contributor asked our very own Deanna Baumgardner:

How has a failure or apparent failure set you up for later success?

Deanna Baumgardner: Failure is great because that’s how you learn. I don’t know much this aligns with failure, but one of my favorite quotes is “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” – Franklin Roosevelt. That is something that I keep in mind every time we face an obstacle or a challenge to the business. Provided you take the time to reflect on a perceived failure and understand what happened, what you could have done differently, better, etc. It allows you to better prepare for and even foresee and prevent future issues, leading to more success.

How do you build a resilient team? What qualities do you look for in your team members?

Deanna Baumgardner: I think I am pretty lucky here because I think HR people are resilient just because of the nature of the work that we do, so to have a team of seasoned HR professionals in hard times is a real win. The other thing is, one of our Core Values as a company is to Focus on Outcomes. That way we don’t get too stuck in the problem and dwell in the negativity that can happen when you sit in the problem. We are outcome driven and I think people that have that quality and can understand that concept really helps drive resiliency.

How do you maintain your personal resilience during tough times?

Deanna Baumgardner: I stay focused on that quote I mentioned, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor” and I keep that in mind. I visualize getting on the other side of the storm and having accomplished the issue in front of me. I also focus on maintaining and supporting both my physical and mental health so that I have a better chance at being able to best support my team.

What strategies do you use to manage stress and maintain focus during a crisis?

Deanna Baumgardner: I go back to our company Core Values, our “Why” of what we do and each individual on the team. Staying focused on the bigger picture, the why and the humans that make all of this possible are absolutely key. Certainly I am human and there are times that it seems unbearable, and that’s ok, but you have to regroup and get back on track and that’s how I do it. I also give myself and the team grace and think about it what’s really important versus what we think might be (or feel) important to us.

Click here to read the full interview by ValiantCEO Magazine and see what Deanna has to say about these her challenges, her failures and how to build a resilient team.

Article by: Jed Morley


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